
Food for Futures

Feeding 125,000 people in a single day is the mission of Food for Futures Programme by Vaculug.

125,00 people is more than can fill a stadium like Wembley or the Camp Nou in Barcelona.
This may seem like an impossible task, but this is the goal set by Vaculug and its Food for Futures initiative. A small step to alleviate hunger and to provide a wholesome meal for those who must live day to day without a regular supply of nourishment.



In the holy city of Amritsar, chefs prepare a four-course meal – itself a demanding and logistical operation- to ensure that everyone is properly fed in the limited time available.

Poverty remains a real problem despite India’s continued economic growth and it’s important that Vaculug helps lead the way in not only providing sustenance for those in need but also in bringing such issues to attention of a wide audience who may want to join us in tackling widespread global hunger.

In support of SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), since 2018 we have contributed to alleviating hunger in our surrounding communities.

This is the heart of Sustainability in Motion.